Operation: Tunisia
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Key Figures
2020 planning figures | |
100% | of people of concern will be registered on an individual basis |
1,200 | refugees and asylum-seekers will be accommodated in temporary shelters |
1,200 | refugee and asylum-seeker households will receive food vouchers |
351 | refugee and asylum-seeker households will receive multi-purpose cash grants |
192 | refugee and asylum-seeker households will receive conditional cash grants or vouchers for education |
2018 year-end results | |
1,150 | judges, lawyers, police, border guards, journalists, and NGO staff trained on national asylum framework and on international protection principles |
714 | 714 people newly registered with UNHCR (a 42% increase from the previous year) |
96 | refugees supported through livelihoods programmes between January and September |
11 | vulnerable refugees resettled to other countries |
0 | cases of refoulement or arbitrary arrest reported |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Increase in
2019 | 3,286 |
2018 | 1,330 |
2017 | 770 |

[["Refugees",1746],["Asylum-seekers",1523],["Others of concern",17]]
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Operational Environment
The number of refugees in Tunisia is estimated to increase to 1,680 people by the end of 2019, with the majority residing in urban areas. The protection environment for refugees and asylum-seekers in Tunisia is generally stable, and UNHCR cooperates with the authorities in favour of people of concern. UNHCR supports refugees’ access to education, healthcare and livelihoods opportunities.The mixed movements in Tunisia by land and sea are expected to continue in 2019, and UNHCR will continue to coordinate its response through the Mixed Migration Working Group. UNHCR will maintain its protection role, providing emergency shelter and psycho-social support to people of concern at a reception centre, and working in close cooperation with Tunisian authorities, IOM, and partner organizations.
To ensure preparedness in case of further deterioration of the situation in Libya and risk of mass influx, UNHCR will periodically update contingency stock and keep updating the contingency plan, and support the preparedness activities of the authorities.
Key priorities
Considering the need for a national protection framework, in 2019, UNHCR will maintain the following key priorities:- Advocate for adoption of the drafted national asylum law and, through continued capacity-building, support the Tunisian uptake of best practices in the interim.
- Continue profiling, registration and refugee status determination in order to identify people in need of international protection in the context of mixed movements.
- Promote refugee self-reliance through supporting access to livelihoods and to basic services, as well as prioritizing direct assistance to the most vulnerable.
Chiffres clés :
- 400 élèves seront inscrits dans l’enseignement primaire et secondaire du premier cycle
- 400 personnes, notamment des fonctionnaires, des juges, des juristes, du personnel d’organisations partenaires et des membres de la société civile, seront formées aux questions relatives aux réfugiés
- 200 ménages réfugiés recevront des aides en espèces
- 70 personnes relevant de la compétence du HCR suivront une formation sur les connaissances élémentaires en finance, langue et entreprenariat/commerce
- 280 personnes relevant de la compétence du HCR bénéficieront d’un hébergement
- 100 personnes recevront un soutien psychosocial et 260 familles un soutien matériel