UNHCR Recommendations to Finland
UNHCR provides its comments on how to strengthen refugee protection in Finland, Europe and globally.
Refugee entrepreneurs create jobs in Rwanda
UNHCRs partner in Rwanda, Inkomoko, trains refugee entrepreneurs in business skills. The results are striking: The refugees become more self-reliant, improve their living conditions and, in addition, they create jobs and economic growth.
Statistics on refugees and asylum-seekers in Northern Europe
The latest UNHCR Northern Europe factsheets provide a statistical overview concerning asylum-seekers, refugees and stateless persons in the region.
UNHCR donates equipment to refugee students in Denmark
UNHCR’s Global Service Center in Copenhagen has donated laptops and smartphones to refugees, who have been accepted to universities in Denmark.
Stories from the Field: “It really makes a difference when we cooperate with the private sector”
Children at a water pipe in the Hilaweyn camp in southern Ethiopia, home to about 45,000 Somali refugees. The construction is funded by UNHCR’s partner, IKEA Foundation, and it supplies water to the area used for agriculture by both refugees and Ethiopians.
Syrian boy takes incredible path from refugee to red carpet
Zain Al Rafeaa’s childhood as a refugee in Beirut inspired his lead role in the award-winning movie Capernaum, transporting him to the glitz of Cannes and beyond.
UNHCR: Refugees should be assured that they will not be returned to unsafe situations
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, expresses concern about the debate on the so-called “paradigm shift” in Denmark.
UNHCR and UNICEF urge action in Europe to end childhood statelessness
More than half a million people in Europe are estimated to be stateless – they have limited access to basic rights and services such as education and healthcare and can face life-long discrimination.
Higher education opens doors for refugees in Rwanda
UNHCR’s partner Kepler provides refugees access to internationally recognized degrees and helps them transform their lives.
UNHCR welcomes Lithuania‘s offer to receive persons rescued at sea
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes the news that Lithuania has offered to receive up to five persons in need of international protection.
Six people died each day attempting to cross Mediterranean in 2018, UNHCR report shows
“Saving lives at sea is not a choice, nor a matter of politics, but an age-old obligation” – Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Danish contribution brings help to the forgotten refugees from South Sudan
More than 8 out of 10 refugees from South Sudan, the largest refugee crisis on the African continent, are women and children – and they suffer from consequences of serious underfunding.