Reporting Fraud & Scam

Ask for the official UNHCR ID-cards from anyone who offers to help you with UNHCR-related services. Make sure that all your documents are genuine when presenting them to UNHCR or inform us otherwise. If you are approached by anyone seeking money in exchange for UNHCR services, or you have paid for UNHCR services, you should report the incident immediately through the formal channels.

How to complaint about fraud committed by non-UNHCR staff?

Fraud and/or corruption committed by UNHCR staff, or staff of UNHCR’s partners?

If you have information about UNHCR staff, or staff of UNHCR partners or contractors, being involved in corruption, exploitation (including sexual exploitation), fraud, or sexual abuse report it immediately and directly to UNHCR’s Inspector-General’s Office (IGO) at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Inspector General’s Office (IGO) provides the High Commissioner with independent assurance and oversight of UNHCR’s activities and operations.

If you changed your phone number, please inform UNHCR as soon as possible, as this is our main means to contact you.

Important note:

  • UNHCR takes all complaints seriously and follows up on each individually
  • Filing a complaint will not in any way impact your case with UNHCR
  • Complaints may be done anonymously
  • In your complaint, please provide facts and evidence known to you
  • All communication with UNHCR is kept confidential.
  • All communication with the IGO is kept confidential.