Targeting Syrian Boys and Girls with Quality Education

UNHCR reached 80,000 students with educational assistance so far in 2016, thanks to donors like Educate A Child, and implementing partners like PU (Premiere Urgence).

10 November 2016

We believe that education cannot wait in time of crisis because education provides hope, protection, and stability.

Among the children attending the classes, there are some who have seen their homes destroyed and their relatives injured or killed. They are the ones who made the journey to safety when sometimes their brothers or sisters did not. Their education had been interrupted for weeks, months or even years.

The classes are transforming the children, offering a new path

The classes are transforming the children, offering a new path. They learn reading, writing and mathematics, the foundation of lifelong learning, and they learn how to learn. This underpins further development in language, literature and math as well as the sciences, geography, history, among other subjects as children move into secondary school and beyond. Besides academics, they learn about basic healthcare and hygiene, citizenship, human rights and life skills and where, how and from whom to seek help.

Education is helping them to stand on their own feet, allowing them to prepare for the future. Education is the best investment for the future and a source of personal growth unmatched by anything else.
UNHCR education programs in Syria are targeting crisis affected boys and girls with integrated quality education activities, such as remedial classes and accelerated learning programs. This enables those who missed a year or two of school to go back to their classes and continue education.

UNHCR reached 80,000 students with educational assistance so far in 2016

Thanks to donors like Educate A Child, and implementing partners like PU (Premiere Urgence), UNHCR reached 80,000 students with educational assistance so far in 2016.