UNHCR Comments on the Inquiry (SOU 2006:6, Swedish Government Official Report) on the implementation in Swedish law of Council Directive 2004/83/EC of 29 April 2004 on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection and the content of the protection granted
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Clearer authority for the Police when implementing decisions concerning expulsion (Tydligare befogenheter för polisen när beslut om avvisning eller utvisning verkställs)
03.02.2017 -
Observations by the UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe on the Inquiry “Barnkonventionen blir svensk lag” SOU 2016:19
14.10.2016 -
Observations by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Regional Representation for Northern Europe on the draft law proposal on restrictions of the possibility to obtain a residence permit in Sweden (“Begränsningar av möjligheten att få uppehållstillstånd i Sverige – utkast till lagrådsremiss”)
10.03.2016 -
Comments by the UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe on the Law Proposal Prop. 2015/16:67 concerning particular measures in situation of serious threat to the public order or the internal security of the country (Särskilda åtgärder vid allvarlig fara för den allmänna ordningen eller den inre säkerheten i landet)
10.12.2015 -
Observations by the UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe on the proposal to transpose the recast Asylum Procedures Directive in Sweden (“Genomförande av det omarbetade asylprocedurdirectivet, Ds 2015:37”)
09.10.2015 -
Comments by the UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe on the proposal Ds 2015:33
28.09.2015 -
UNHCR proposals to address current and future arrivals of asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants by sea to Europe
01.03.2015 -
Options Paper 2: Options for governments on open reception and alternatives to detention
01.01.2015 -
The Heart of the Matter – Assessing Credibility when Children Apply for Asylum in the European Union
01.12.2014 -
Submission by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the case of F.G. v. Sweden (Application No. 43611/11)