Response to Coronavirus – COVID-19

UNHCR Lebanon's prevention and response to COVID-19

What is UNHCR in Lebanon doing to prevent and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Since the beginning of the Syria crisis, UNHCR has been supporting the refugee population in Lebanon through the national system by the provision of free or subsidized primary, secondary and tertiary health care.

To date and based on available evidence, there have been no reports of COVID-19 infections among refugees in Lebanon.

Nevertheless, UNHCR has strengthened its overall preparedness, prevention and response measures to account for the health and well-being of refugees, their Lebanese hosts and humanitarian personnel working for them all over the country.

Since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, UNHCR teams have been committed to supporting collective efforts to prevent and contain transmissions of the virus, and avoid an overstretching of the health system which could be caused by a surge in cases needing hospitalization.

UNHCR response to COVID-19 in Lebanon

Prevention, Containment of transmission, Treatment

click here for the Arabic version.

Quarantine and Isolation Guidance

in overcrowded settings

click here for the Arabic version.

UNHCR response to COVID-19 in Lebanon

As of 11 May 2020

UNHCR response to COVID-19 in Lebanon – Step 1 – As of 11 May 2020
Click here for the Arabic version.
UNHCR response to COVID-19 in Lebanon – Step 2 – As of 11 May 2020
Click here for the Arabic version.
UNHCR response to COVID-19 in Lebanon – Step 3 – As of 11 May 2020
Click here for the Arabic version.

 Videos that explain UNHCR’s response to COVID-19

Understanding the response step by step

UNHCR Representative in Lebanon Mireille Girard explains step 3: treatment & case management

Step 1 - Prevention: Raising awareness among refugees

Step 2 - Isolation : Isolation scenarios

Step 1 - Prevention: Training of staff, partners & refugees

UNHCR's response to COVID-19 in Lebanon: 3 steps (Arabic video)

Step 1 - Prevention: Distribution of cleaning & hygiene material

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