How UNHCR helps refugees avoid COVID-19

How UNHCR helps refugees avoid COVID-19

UNHCR is doing its part to prevent and respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, building on its vast experience in the previous outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), influenza and Ebola.

Right now, our teams in refugee settlements and urban settings are working hard to make sure people forced to flee their homes are as well protected as anyone else – before, during and after this global health emergency. Following the World Health Organization's (WHO) guidance, UNHCR has identified several prevention and response activities in refugee situations:

  1. Infection prevention and control: refugee settlements are increasing the distribution of soap, clean water and hygiene kits.
  2. Effective risk communication: community education programs to inform refugee and displaced people on hygiene measures. 
  3. Contact tracing and rapid response: working closely with the World Health Organisation, health departments and partners to quickly assess and respond to risks.
  4. Case management: health workers are being trained to identify the symptoms, with home care for mild cases and support for referral facilities.
  5. Protection monitoring: close collaboration with governments and partners to monitor and mitigate potential protection risks.
  6. Country-level coordination: working to make sure refugees and displaced people are included in national preparedness and response activities.

This global health emergency is putting incredible pressure on the UN Refugee Agency's operations around the world, and we've launched an urgent appeal to support these COVID-19 prevention and response efforts in refugee settlements and host countries.

If you can, please donate to help support and protect refugees from COVID-19.