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News and Stories

Portraits of refugees in Ukraine: Story of Noda

Portraits of refugees in Ukraine: Story of Noda

39 years old refugee from the DRC, he produces furniture in Kyiv and has been able to live his dream in Ukraine: to play in a musical band. He is grateful for his Ukrainian friends who have helped him along the way. Here is his story.

1% of humanity displaced: UNHCR Global Trends report

1% of humanity displaced: UNHCR Global Trends report

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency is today appealing to countries worldwide to do far more to find homes for millions of refugees and others displaced by conflict, persecution or events seriously disturbing public order.

UNHCR supports 96 years old woman, survivor of the World War II

UNHCR supports 96 years old woman, survivor of the World War II

Thanks to the generous funding by the government of Estonia, Vira Opanasiva and other vulnerable and elderly people in conflict affected areas in eastern Ukraine are able to receive support in times which are especially hard due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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