Contact Us
Here are some frequently asked questions.
Q: Can I apply to UNHCR’s Innovation Fellowship?
A: If you’re a UNHCR staff member or affiliate then absolutely! Unfortunately, we can’t support Fellows from external Fellows at this point in time. We do partner with sister agencies each year to include one to two Fellows from other parts of the humanitarian sector but these are done through strategic partnerships.
Q: Can you try my product or innovation out?
A: Try the UN Global Marketplace for great procurement opportunities. Our office is already overcrowded with stuff! We need to clean it.
Q: Do you have any job openings?
A: Not right now – but stay tuned. All our job and internship opportunities are located on UNHCR Careers page and ReliefWeb. Currently, we are not accepting volunteers, but you should have a look at UN Volunteers.
Q: Can you support my thesis or academic studies?
A: We love that you’re interested in humanitarian innovation but we can’t financially support your studies. However, if you are working on a thesis related to humanitarian innovation, contact us below.
Q: Can you make my document more innovative?
A: Innovation can mean a lot of things! We don’t provide design services, but look to our resources to help you adapt your document. You may also want to reach out to our colleagues in External Relations.