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Visita del DG
@margiodi all'HUB@WFP di#Brindisi e@unhrd con@WFPChief . Polo#ONU di Brindisi eccellenza nel settore#umanitario. IT DG DevCom@margiodi visiting#HUB@WFP in#Brindisi &@unhrd with@WFPChief.#UN center in Brindisi is an excellence in the#humanitarian field. …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
IT DG DevCoop
@margiodi and DG@iam_bari@Maurizio_Raeli signed an#Agreement to strenghen coordination, planning, implementation and monitoring for joint#development initiatives in#agricolture#ruraldevelopment and#environmental Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#cooperazione e#sviluppo@margiodi e DG@iam_bari@Maurizio_Raeli firmano#intesa per potenziare coordinamento programmazione, esecuzione e monitoriaggio delle iniziative congiunte in materia di#agricoltura#ambiente,#sviluppo#rurale e Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
@margiodi incontra a#Bari i coordinatori dei progetti realizzati da@iam_bari e finanziati dalla#CooperazioneItaliana. 17 iniziative nel#Mediterraneo#balcani#africa orientale e#Medioriente Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
CooperazioneItaliana Retweeted
In visita a
@iam_bari il 5-07, IT DG DevCoop@margiodi e Luigi De Chiara@ItalyMFA, Dir. Vicario@aics_it Leonardo Carmenati, Resp. Relazioni Istituzionali e Comunicazione@aics_it@satricum. Nel pom. la delegazione visiterà Avamposto MARE#Tricase info: Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
CooperazioneItaliana Retweeted
Consulta e iscriviti su . L’unità di crisi è al fianco di chi opera nel mondo in progetti umanitari e di
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Meeting between IT DG Dev Coop
@margiodi and VP@IFAD@CRichterIFAD@ItalyMFA#CooperazioneItaliana &#IFAD at the forefront of#sustainable#rural#development to promote job opportunities and Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
CooperazioneItaliana Retweeted
"Our hope is that by creating opportunities and building rural economies young women and men will not feel forced to migrate to cities, or abroad in search of a better life" says
@CRichterIFAD at the launch Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
@IFAD VP@CRichterIFAD at#EXCO2019 "This initiative comes at the right time! We do need to strengthen the#partnership with private sector and adopt a multi stakeholders#holistic approach to promote job in#Africa & achieve#sustainable#development#AGENDA2030#SDGs" – At Ministero degli Affari EsteriThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
DG Dev Coop
@margiodi in occasione del lancio di#EXCO2019 organizzato da@FieraRoma@DiplomacyinRome e ospitato a@ItalyMFA: "Impresa rappresenta un attore primario nei processi di#sviluppo#sostenibile con azioni volte a raggiungere gli obiettivi – At Ministero degli Affari EsteriThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#EXCO2019#innovare e creare lavoro per uno#sviluppo#sostenibile@ItalyMFA@FieraRoma@DiplomacyinRome Official kick off#EXCO2019#Innovation & opportunities Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
CooperazioneItaliana Retweeted
Visita a Escuintla de la Delegación
@ItalyinGT,@cooperazione_it,@aics_it y Embajador Edoardo Pucci para acompañar a@CRGuatemalteca y@SosepGob en los albergues donde se brindan los servicios a población damnificada por Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Our biggest fans this week:
@ItalyinEthiopia, @capitalonenews,@tbuccico69. Thank you! via … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Cooperazione in collaborazione con
@ItalianAirForce ha disposto un nuovo volo#umanitario per il#Niger con kit sanitari destinati alla popolazione locale. IT Coop Dev in collaboration with@ItalianAirForce sends a new#humanitarian cargo with#FirstAid for peole in#nigerThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
CooperazioneItaliana Retweeted
Next autumn
#UNGA will hold elections for the partial renewal of members of the#HumanRights Council for the term 2019-2021#Italy presented its candidature in line with its longstanding engagement in#HumanRightsForPeace Read more Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
CooperazioneItaliana Retweeted
Si è tenuta oggi in
#Farnesina la giornata conclusiva della XXX edizione del Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar. Quest'anno tema di confronto è stato "Yearning for Inclusive Growth and development, Good Jobs and Sustainability" Più info Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
#CooperazioneItaliana in#Uganda costruisce ed equipaggia il reparto di#Radiologia dell’Ospedale Regionale di Riferimento di#Gulu che fornirà servizi e assistenza medica a oltre 500.000 persone. in prima linea per lo sviluppo … Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
@Museo_MAXXI in collaboration with@ItalyMFA dedicates a major exhibition to#Africa : 34 artists reflecting with their#artworks the on-going social and cultural transformations in the Continent. For more info …#AfricanMetropolisExhibitThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
My week on Twitter : 14 Mentions, 12.9K Mention Reach, 48 Likes, 51 Retweets, 70.4K Retweet Reach. See yours with …
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