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Estonian Government

Estonian unearmarked funds save refugees worldwide

Contributions to UNHCR

Estonia is a reliable donor to UNHCR and has provided annual donations since 2008. In recent years, Estonia has increased its funding to UNHCR. In 2017, the country gave its most generous allocation to UNHCR totalling USD 750,000. For the year 2018, Estonia has has significantly increased its unearmarked funding, helping UNHCR reach refugees across the globe. During the last couple of years, Estonia’s allocations to UNHCR have been earmarked for many of the world’s most conflict ridden countries and the most desperate humanitarian situations, including the Central African Republic, Iraq, Myanmar, Syria, South Sudan situation and Ukraine.


Estonia donates half a million euros to UNHCR’s emergency operations

Estonia donates half a million euros to UNHCR’s emergency operations

As 2016 draws to a close, the world is witnessing a record high level of forced displacement, with over 65 million people on the move. While new refugee crises are erupting, unresolved and protracted refugee situations worldwide shows no signs of being resolved in the nearest future. The challenges faced by UNHCR in attempting to respond to multiple life-threatening crises and ever-growing humanitarian needs are rapidly expanding.


Donor Government Counterparts

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is UNHCR´s Government counterpart on matters related to strategic cooperation and funding.

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