
Conflicts push internal displacement to record high

IDMC study finds more people than ever displaced by violence inside their own countries, but a "wind of change" means there is a greater willingness to tackle the issue.

28 Apr 2020

Refugee tailors switch to making face masks and protective gear

Around the world, displaced artisans are stepping up a gear to supply face masks and protective equipment in desperately short supply.

27 Apr 2020

'Kangaroo care' helps refugee moms in eastern Cameroon save pre-term babies

Young mothers embrace simple, but effective way to save lives through joint UNHCR-Gates Foundation initiative.

27 Apr 2020

Refugee students get lessons over radio during Kenya school shutdown

Teachers broadcast classes over community radio to keep refugee students learning.

24 Apr 2020

UNHCR says all parties must protect civilians as more fighting sweeps across Sahel

'I want to go home, but I fear every day,' says displaced farmer from Mali-Niger border.

24 Apr 2020

'If I couldn't study, I would feel paralyzed'

A DAFI scholarship from UNHCR allows Kobra Yusufy, 27, returned refugee, to study software engineering at Kabul University and pursue her dream of teaching.

24 Apr 2020

Making dolls provides hope for Congolese refugee

With each doll she makes, Kituza finds healing from the brutal assault she survived in her home country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

23 Apr 2020

Storytellers brighten lives of refugee children on coronavirus lockdown

Volunteers in Spain are recording bedtime stories to share with children in reception centres via WhatsApp in a UNHCR-backed project.

23 Apr 2020

Refugees start blog to share information on coronavirus

A group of Congolese refugees started to blog about daily life in Angola. But COVID-19 has given them a more critical role – to educate and inform.

22 Apr 2020