CICG, Geneva

Whether triggered by natural disasters or conflicts, emergencies can strike anytime and anywhere. They can rapidly force people to flee and leave them in need of protection and assistance. For those who had to leave their homes and have found themselves without the safeguard of their communities, social networks and/or of the rule of law, it becomes crucial to secure safe spaces adapted to the specific characteristics of the displacement and the needs of the communities and individuals affected. These safe spaces allows for the creation and management of communal structures that give displaced people a voice, ensures space for longterm recovery and facilitates access to basic services such as medical assistance, food and shelter. While nothing can replace what affected communities have lost, these communal settings, be it camps, informal settlements or collective centres, can offer a temporary safe haven that aims to repair communities’ social fabric, strengthen resilience and provide transition support towards durable solutions.

With this in mind, the objective of Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) is to ensure equitable access to assistance, protection, and services for internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in communal settings, to improve their quality of life and dignity during displacement while seeking and advocating for durable solutions. To support this, the Global CCCM Cluster supports field operations and CCCM actors & stakeholders with the tools, guidance and capacity building to coordinate and manage displaced populations effectively.

The Global CCCM Cluster Annual Retreat brings together representatives from many humanitarian organizations, governments and academia. The Retreat offers an opportunity to share achievements, best practices and current projects in order to plan the way forward for the Global CCCM Cluster in 2020. All CCCM and related practitioners are welcome to attend - please contact relevant the National CCCM Cluster Coordinator or through your NGO channels. Independent CCCM practitioners are also welcome to attended self-funded.

2018 Retreat Report: 

2017 Retreat Report: 

2015 Retreat Report:


Centre International de Conférences Genève, 17 Rue de Varembé, 1211 Genève, Switzerland

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