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Cluster vacancies

Other Shelter Vacancies



Course title and link for more info

29th June - 26th July

29th June - 26th July

4th July - 13th July

6th July - 16th August

13th July-23rd August

15th -18th July

20th July

22nd-26th July

29th July-2nd August

7th-9th August

19th-23rd August

20th-22nd August

Online self-paced

Online self-paced

Security in Urban Emergencies

Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in Urban Emergencies

Introduction to Humanitarianism in Urban Settings

Urban Humanitarianism

WASH in Urban Emergencies

Training of Trainers

So You Think You Want to be an Aid Worker

Training of Trainers for the Humanitarian Sector

Essentials of Humanitarian Practice

Proposal and Report Writing

Managing People and Projects in Emergencies

Project Cycle Management

Mission Ready: Field Security Management

Mission Ready: Remote Security Management


















Please contact Laura Clarke at Laura.Clarke@redr.org.uk for more information.



Forced Migration Review issue 55 with a major feature on ‘Shelter in displacement’ 

All displaced people need some form of shelter. Whatever the type of shelter which is found, provided or built, it needs to answer multiple needs: protection from the elements, physical security, safety, comfort, emotional security, some mitigation of risk and unease, and even, as time passes, some semblance of home and community. This latest issue of FMR looks at the complexity of approaches to shelter both as a physical object in a physical location and as a response to essential human needs.

It also contains a selection of ‘general’ articles on other forced migration topics.

Read the full issue or individual articles online at www.fmreview.org/shelter (audio/podcast versions also available via this link) or email fmr@qeh.ox.ac.uk to request print copies for your organisation, or for onward distribution or for use in training. (If requesting print copies, please remember to send us your full postal address.)

This issue will be available in English, Arabic, French and Spanish.

Thanks to the following for their financial support for this issue: Better Shelter, Happold Foundation, Hunter and Stephanie Hunt, Norwegian Refugee Council, Open Society Foundations, Suricatta Systems, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, UN-Habitat and UNHCR (DPSM).

Shelter Projects 2015-2016

Spanning humanitarian responses from all over the world, Shelter Projects 2015-2016 is the sixth in a series of compilations of shelter case studies, overviews of emergencies and opinion pieces. The projects represent responses to conflict, natural disasters and complex or multiple crises, demonstrating some of the implementation and response options available. The book is intended to support learning by highlighting the strengths, weaknesses and some of the lessons that can be learned from different projects, which try to maximize emergency funds to safeguard the health, security and dignity of affected people, whilst – wherever possible – supporting longer-term shelter needs and sustainable recovery. The target audience is humanitarian managers and shelter programme staff from local, national and international organizations at all levels of experience. Shelter Projects is also a useful resource for advocacy purposes, showcasing the work done by the sector, as well as for research and capacity-building activities.