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All Shelter Cluster Palestine information will be shared through this webpage, including: situation updates, strategic documents, meeting minutes, and information management products.

Information Management :Mohammed Alaklouk


See full factsheet
April 2020



West Bank/East Jerusalem

Demolition response  

Demolished structures:           139

(Jan-end of Mar. 2020)  

Of which 61  (44%) are residential.

displaced 201 individuals, including 105 children

Donor-funded structures:      37

of which 20 are residential

Upgrading and Rehabilitation of substandard shelters (Needs):

3,040 shelters in Area C,

740 Shelters in H2 area of Hebron

310 shelters in East Jerusalem

Require rehabilitation or consolidation to ensure adequate protection and reduce risk of displacement.

21 households have received demolition shelter response in 2020; 17 are ongoing or pending.


  • IDP response

Over 900 families (about 5050 individuals) remain internally displaced (IDP) since the 2014 conflict including recurrent escalations since Nov 2018. An urgent gap in assistance exists for around 850 IDP families requiring shelter support.

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