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< Jan 2020
March 2020
Newly displaced persons queuing to receive Non-Food Items and adhering to COVID19 preventative measures such as 1.5m physical distance and provided with masks, gloves and hand sanitizers. The distribution was managed by YGUSSWP on behalf of UNHCR in Bani


  • Shelter Cluster estimates that 7.27 million people are in need of essential household items and safe and dignified shelter solutions in 2020.
  • With the ongoing unprecedented series of flooding, Shelter Cluster partners reported casualties, damages to houses, and urgent needs for over 100,000 individuals.
  • The recent escalation of the conflict in Marib, Al Jawf, Nimh, and Sana’a Governorates has led to displacement of  over 7,000 families.
  • Shelter Cluster partners assisted nearly 0.44 M IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host community members during the first quarter of 2020.




Coverage against targets

Need analysis

  • Considering protracted conflict that continues to force people to move, the Shelter Cluster estimates that 7.27 million people are in need of essential household items and safe and dignified shelter solutions in 2020.
  • With the ongoing unprecedented series of flooding, Shelter Cluster partners reported casualties, damages to houses, and urgent needs for over 100,000 individuals directly affected mainly in Sana’a, Lahj, Aden, Marib, Hajjah, Ibb, and Taizz Governorates. Rains and assessments are still ongoing, and figures of families affected continue to increase.
  • The recent escalation of the conflict in Marib, Al Jawf, Nimh, and Sana’a Governorates has led to a new wave of mass population displacement, with over 7,000 newly displaced families adding to nearly 450,000 families displaced in 2019.
  • Finding of a survey concluded by the Shelter Cluster in March 2020 revealed that 57% of the national partners assessed access to funding as their priority issue, followed by 26% assessing the procurement of materials.


  • Despite the prevailing operational and security challenges compounded by measures put in place to address COVID19-related risks, Shelter Cluster partners assisted nearly 0.44 M IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host community members during the first quarter of 2020, which represented 14.7% of the overall Cluster target.
  • During the winter season, Shelter Cluster partners reached about 370,030 people (represent some 58,000 families) from October 2019 - February 2020 with some exceptional distribution during March in locations that continued to experience low temperatures.
  • To address COVID-19 risks, the Shelter Cluster released an interim guidance focusing on two main components: (a) sensitization and general awareness on the diseases (b) COVID-19-appropriate procedure for distribution.
  • The Shelter Cluster, in partnership with REACH-Impact Initiatives, conducted further analysis on flood susceptibility to identify most-at-risk sites and paths of a potential flash flood. One of the future outputs will be the microanalysis of the rain catchment area identifying small and medium locations for mitigation intervention -embankment reinforcement or other earthworks.
  • In cooperation with the CCCM Cluster, the Shelter Cluster rolled out sandbagging activities and provided additional guidance for communities to protect their sites, such as cleaning drainage or identifying safer locations.
  • Based on ongoing concerns regarding evictions, Shelter, CCCM, and Protection Clusters paired their efforts under a Tri-Cluster approach to review Housing Land and Property issues to identify appropriate strategy.

Gaps / challenges

  • Due to the lack of funding, available stocks related to Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items kits in the 36 warehouses of the 10 largest partners are alarmingly low.