Indonesia Tsunami/Earthquakes - Sep 2018

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March 2019
Wanda Chanafiar/ Relief Box



Need analysis

• A massive quake hit the island nation’s Central Sulawesi province. The magnitude-7.5 temblor struck at 5:02 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28, generating a devastating tsunami and liquefaction.
• At least 4,547 people have been killed and nearly 173,000 people displaced (11/03/2019).
• Estimated over 100,000 houses are affected with 4,050 houses gone and more than 30,000 houses heavily damaged. However, the actual figure is likely to be much higher.


• Over 100 cluster partners are recorded in the shelter sub cluster. Of these around 20+ agencies report and engage regularly in the sub-cluster.
• Most agencies are currently focusing in providing temporary shelters (individual or collective).
• Shelter coordination meeting is conducted every two weeks, with SAG and district focal points have been established.

Gaps / challenges

• Lack of reliable data due to conflicting definitions of displacement and damage.
• Quality of shelter assistance varies and not according to the agreed shelter standards
• People are reluctant to move to the government-led collective shelters program due to uncertainties with the available facilities and services.
• Housing, land, and property rights due to relocation of families to safe zones
• Political situation with the upcoming general election in April 2019
• Floods and landslides risk due to the ongoing rainy season. Aftershocks also still occurred.