
People are returning home after several years of conflict and displacement, but the Iraqi government still faces significant challenges to ensure safety and stability, functioning infrastructure, and access to basic services and job opportunities. ?Relations with the autonomous Kurdish Region of Iraq (KR-I), which voted for independence in September 2017, remain fragile.?

Some 10,000-15,000 Islamic State (IS) militants are believed to remain in Hamrin Mountains, Kirkuk governorate, Mosul, the southern part of Ninewa governorate, and the desert areas of Anbar governorate. ?

Almost 65% of all people in need are concentrated in Anbar, Ninewa, and Salah al-Din governorates. ?Large scale displacement persists despite the expulsion of IS from Iraqi territory. In December 2017. Return movements slowed in 2018 as returnees often face damaged housing, insecurity, and lack basic services and livelihood opportunities. ?Efforts to reduce areas extensively contaminated with explosive remnants of war are ongoing, however, progress is very slow. ?Additionally, Iraq hosts almost 300,000 refugees and asylum seekers, including 250,000 Syrian refugees, of whom 99% live in KR-I. 69% of all Syrian refugees in Iraq are women and children. ?

The humanitarian crisis is compounded by reoccurring, countrywide natural disasters, such as floods and droughts. INFORM measures Iraq’s risk of humanitarian crisis and disaster to be very high, at 7.2/10. Hazard and exposure, as well as lack of coping capacity, are of particular concern, at 8.6/10 and 7/10 rates. ?

Latest Developments

For more information on the humanitarian impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, please see the relevant paragraph below.

ACAPS' team is daily monitoring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find more information related to the outbreak.

26/06/2020: Crop fires were reported in the disputed territories of northern Iraq in May. Among the suspected causes are attacks by Islamic State. Food prices are currently unaffected by the crop losses. Crop fires were also reported in the summer of 2019 and traced back to multiple causes, from arson attacks to machine malfunctioning.?

26/03/2020: Following heavy rains over 18-19 March, flooding has affected northern and central governorates, with Ninewa, Diyala and Salah al-Din worst affected. Five people were killed; there are no figures regarding people displaced and affected. IDP camps may have additional health, WASH, and shelter needs. Mosul, where post-conflict rebuilding efforts are ongoing, was also flooded. ?

09/01/2020: Following an escalation of conflict between the US and Iran which led to attacks on Iraqi soil in December and January, the security situation in the country remains volatile. Reports of hindered humanitarian access including the closure of INGOs’ offices and the impossibility of mobilising humanitarian personnel have emerged.?

For more information on the humanitarian impact of past protests, please see the relevant paragraph below.

Key Figures

Total population
People in Need
IDP Returnees
Syrian Refugees
Key figures are for the entire response and are not CCCM-specific.

INFORM Global Crisis Severity Index

Crisis Severity: 3.7

Impact: 4.2

Humanitarian Conditions: 3.5

Complexity: 3.8

Access Constraints: 3

The above scale is from 0 (Very low) to 5 (Very high)
Information courtesy of ACAPS.
Response Overview

Key Figures - 2020 HPC

in need
People targeted
Funding required


  1. Facilitate and coordinate the provision of multi-sectoral interventions, data collection and conduct site risk reduction activities to ensure safe and dignified environment for 250,000 in-camp IDPs.
  2. Facilitate and coordinate the provision of multi-sectoral interventions, data collection and conduct site risk reduction activities to ensure safe and dignified environment for 127,938 IDPs living in informal settlements.
  3. Promote community participation of 250,000 in-camp IDPs and local actors to ensure local ownership of CCCM activities and transition towards self- reliance.
  4. Strengthen household and communal coping mechanisms of 127,938 IDPs living in informal settlements.
  5. Facilitate, coordinate and collect data for the provision of multisectoral interven- tions to improve self-reliance of 161,946 returnees and secondarily displaced people out of camps.

Projects (2019)


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CCCM Cluster Iraq - Terms of Reference 01 Jun 2015
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