
Haiti is regularly affected by natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, and droughts. At least 2.6 million people Haiti are in need of humanitarian assistance as of January 2019, out of which almost 50% are children. Food insecurity persists in Haiti, and is driven by the combined effects of natural hazards and poor socioeconomic conditions. ?

INFORM measures Haiti's risk of humanitarian crisis and disaster for 2019 to be high at 6.5/10. Lack of Coping Capacity is of particular concern, at 7.4/10.?

Latest Developments

Latin America and the Caribbean have become the global epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the World Health Organization. Measures taken to contain virus spread in the region are having negative impacts on the population. The regional economy is forecast to have its biggest contraction ever, particularly affecting those who work in the informal sector. As a result, the World Food Programme estimates that food insecurity across the region in 2020 will likely increase from the current 3.4 million to 13.7 million. In Haiti, the number of people in severe food insecurity is projected to rise from 700,000 to 1.6 million. In the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras), the number of people affected by severe food insecurity is projected to increase from 1.6 million up to 3 million. The number of vulnerable Venezuelan migrants and refugees experiencing severe food insecurity in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru is expected to  increase from 540,000 to more than 1 million. ?

For more information on the humanitarian impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, please see the relevant paragraph below.

ACAPS' team is daily monitoring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Find more information related to the outbreak.

Key Figures

People in Need
Key figures are for the entire response and are not CCCM-specific.

INFORM Global Crisis Severity Index

Crisis Severity: 3.3

Impact: 2.7

Humanitarian Conditions: 4

Complexity: 2.4

Access Constraints: 2

The above scale is from 0 (Very low) to 5 (Very high)
Information courtesy of ACAPS.
Response Overview


Currently there are no documents listed for this country
HDX datasets

10 Common Operating Datasets or CCCM-tagged datsets are on the Humanitarian Data Exchange: