Bahamas flooding















Meeting Calendar




Hurricane Dorian hit the northern Bahamas on 1 September as a Category 5 storm, mainly affecting Grand Bahama and Abaco islands. Residents were exposed to winds exceeding 270 km/h and 5-7 meter storm surges. Dorian is not only the strongest hurricane to have hit the country on record but was also traveling at slower than average speeds (between 1.5-8km/h), which meant the population was exposed to prolonged strong winds, heavy rains, and large storm surges. Over 76,000 people were affected and an estimated 15,000 people were expected need. Hurricane Dorian damaged or destroyed at least 13,000 homes.?

More than a month on from the devastating Hurricane Dorian, the responders on both Grand Bahama and Abaco Islands are continuing to coordinate relief efforts. As of 5 October, 600 were still missing, and more than 1,500 people remain in shelters, particularly in the city of Nassau. The ongoing needs are for the provision of safe drinking water, the restoration of health services, and NFIs, such as blankets and clothing. Needs are particularly high on the Abaco Islands, which were the hardest hit by the category 5 storm.? As of 28 October, the official death toll reached 67. ? 

INFORM measures Bahama's risk of humanitarian crisis and disaster to be low, at 2.2/10. Hazard and exposure stand at 2/10, vulnerability at 1.7/10 and lack of coping capacity at 3.1/10. ?

Latest Developments

No recent significant humanitarian developments. This country is being monitored by our analysis team.

Key Figures

People exposed
People affected
Fatalities reported
People in Need
Key figures are for the entire response and are not CCCM-specific.

INFORM Global Crisis Severity Index

Crisis Severity: 0

Impact: 0

Humanitarian Conditions: 0

Complexity: 0

Access Constraints: 0

The above scale is from 0 (Very low) to 5 (Very high)
Information courtesy of ACAPS.
HDX datasets

4 Common Operating Datasets or CCCM-tagged datsets are on the Humanitarian Data Exchange: