Temporary protection
An arrangement or device developed by States to offer protection, of a temporary nature, to people arriving en masse from situations of conflict or generalized violence, without prior individual status determination. Temporary protection has been mostly used in industrialized States.
Trafficking (human)
The organized illegal movement of people for profit. The critical additional factor that distinguishes trafficking from migrant smuggling is the use of force, coercion and/or deception throughout, or at some stage in the process. While the additional elements that distinguish trafficking from migrant smuggling may sometimes be obvious, in many cases they are difficult to prove without active investigation.
Transformative Agenda
The Transformative Agenda of the IASC was adopted in December 2011. It is a set of concrete actions aimed at transforming the way in which the humanitarian community responds to emergencies. It focuses on improving the timeliness and effectiveness of the collective response through stronger leadership, more effective coordination structures, and improved accountability for performance and to affected people.
Transitional Solutions Initiative (TSI)
The TSI promotes collaboration between humanitarian and development actors and national governments in order to find solutions and self-reliance for displaced people and local community members.