Regional Office in South Eastern Europe
Operation: Regional Office in South Eastern Europe
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Key Figures
2017 year-end results | |
29,360 | people received legal assistance (Refugees, asylum-seekers and other persons of concern in South Eastern Europe (not from former Yugoslavia)) |
1,950 | people received cash grants and 10,414 received other (non-cash) support (refugees, persons at risk of statelessness, returnees and IDPs from former Yugoslavia) |
940 | reported SGBV incidents for which survivors receive psychosocial counselling (Refugees, asylum-seekers and other persons of concern in South Eastern Europe (not from former Yugoslavia)) |
500 | refugees and IDPs from former Yugoslavia received return packages |
410 | individuals with undetermined nationality were assisted to have their nationality confirmed, and 1,428 stateless persons were assisted to acquire nationality |
160 | people received production kits or inputs for agriculture, livestock, or fisheries activities (refugees, persons at risk of statelessness, returnees and IDPs from former Yugoslavia) |
2017 planning figures | |
13,270 | people of concern assisted with legal aid to realize their rights |
11,703 | of people at risk of statelessness assisted with documentation |
2,700 | people of concern will receive cash grants and some 10,000 people with specific needs will receive in-kind support |
86% | of known SGBV survivors will receive appropriate support |
60% | of households will live in adequate dwellings |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Increase in
2019 | 424,135 |
2018 | 420,169 |
2017 | 426,744 |

[["Refugees",32679],["Refugee-like situation",145],["Asylum-seekers",1580],["IDPs",311117],["Returned IDPs",165],["Returned refugees",39],["Stateless",6422],["Others of concern",71988]]
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Regional Office in South Eastern Europe
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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
Strategy and Response in 2019
With regards to the new arrivals, UNHCR will aim to ensure operational protection and asylum building. UNHCR will focus on ensuring most urgent humanitarian and protection needs of refugees and asylum-seekers are met, building a referral and profiling processes to ensure that those in need of assistance are timely assisted and have access to adequate and dignified reception facilities.UNHCR will contribute to the creation of a supportive integration environment so that refugees are integrated into the national social service scheme without discrimination.
Protection monitoring will be strengthened, focusing on the implementation of international standards and corresponding national policies and procedures, especially related to protection of children and other vulnerable groups. Through strengthened partnerships, and ensuring community participation, UNHCR will support the functional government-led mechanisms and advocate for access to free legal aid provided by national legal aid systems.
In 2019, focus will remain on advocacy for effective solutions for the remaining Kosovo (S/RES/1244 (1999)) refugees; voluntary return or integration in displacement for those unable or unwilling to return. UNHCR will maintain the catalytic role within the regional Skopje institutional platform on durable solutions and will provide support on protection monitoring and advocacy for solutions through strategic partnerships with relevant stakeholders. Attention will be given to property rights, security and documentation. UNHCR will engage relevant institutions to ensure, with the support of consistent bilateral funding, durable solutions for the majority of the displaced people in need.
UNHCR will work towards prevention of statelessness in the region. Interventions will include community based initiatives and advocacy for normative changes as well as capacity building of judiciary and registrars on the effective implementation of laws.