Gap (RBM term)
A gap is the difference between the current situation (baseline) and the standard. It represents actual needs within specific objectives.
Global Compact on Refugees
See New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants.
Goal (RBM term)
A desired overall result to be achieved through UNHCR’s engagement with a specific population planning group.
Graduation approach
A poverty-reduction model that aims to “graduate” people in rural areas out of poverty through a sequenced combination of interventions. The approach is part of UNHCR’s "Global Strategy for Livelihoods 2014-2018".
Grand Bargain
An agreement reached in the lead-up to the World Humanitarian Summit between the biggest donors and aid organizations across ten work streams, which aims to shrink the humanitarian funding gap and deliver more aid to the frontline. The initiative stemmed from the recommendations contained in the report of the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel’s on Humanitarian Financing, “Too important to fail: addressing the humanitarian financing gap”.