Operation: India
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Key Figures
2020 planning figures | |
1,700 | children enrolled in accelerated learning programmes |
1,500 | vulnerable people receive multi-purpose cash grants |
385 | refugees participating in entrepreneurship/business training |
2019 planning figures | |
4,500 | women will receive sanitary materials |
1,600 | people of concern receive multi-purpose cash grants |
1,300 | children enrolled in accelerated learning programmes |
200 | people of concern provided with entrepreneurship/ skills training |
Latest Updates
People of Concern
Decrease in
2019 | 207,334 |
2018 | 207,848 |
2017 | 207,665 |

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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Year-end Overview
Plan Overview
Operational environment
While India has been a generous host to refugees for many years, particularly to Sri Lankans who continue to reside in Tamil Nadu, the past two years have been marked by a shrinking of the traditional protection space offered to urban refugees. In 2019, the opportunities for engaging the government on matters pertaining to refugee protection remain limited. Nevertheless, UNHCR continues to engage key government counterparts and collaborate closely with the full range of stakeholders, including newly identified partners.In 2019, India will be hosting around 41,000 mandate refugees and asylum seekers registered with UNHCR. Rohingya and Afghan refugees will constitute the largest refugee caseload under UNHCR’s mandate, with a smaller number from the Middle East and Africa mostly residing in urban areas.