Operation: Niger
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Key Figures
2020 planning figures | |
100% | of people of concern registered on an individual basis |
100% | of people of concern identified in need of resettlement submitted for resettlement under the Emergency Transit Mechanism |
7,000 | Malian and Nigerian refugee households receiving land allocations for shelter |
4,000 | Malian and Nigerian refugee households will receive long-term/permanent shelter |
2018 year-end results | |
100% | of people of concern are registered on an individual basis |
100% | of people of concern have access to primary health care |
100% | of people of concern have access to HIV services |
80% | of primary school-aged children enrolled primary education |
1,975 | people of concern were evacuated from Libya to Niger, with 960 resettled to third countries |
Latest Updates and Related Links
People of Concern
Increase in
2019 | 441,899 |
2018 | 386,978 |
2017 | 315,723 |

[["Refugees",180006],["Asylum-seekers",37919],["IDPs",191902],["Others of concern",32072]]
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
Operational environment
Although Niger enjoys relative stability, it is surrounded by conflict affected nations such as Mali, Nigeria and Libya. The increased insecurity near the border region with Mali and in the Diffa region is expected to continue in 2019. Chronic food insecurity, drought, floods and other challenges further compound the situation for UNHCR’s people of concern.In addition, UNHCR will continue to identify asylum-seekers among the mixed movements transiting through Agadez and the evacuation of migrants from Libya under the Emergency Transit Mechanism (ETM).
UNHCR is working together with the government for alternatives to camps and the socio-economic integration of refugees. To the greatest extent possible, basic services will be provided through national systems. In the Diffa and Tillabery regions as well as in host communities’ areas, UNHCR will continue its comprehensive urbanization programme to secure access to land for housing.
Partnerships with the private sector and inter-agency partnership with other UN agencies continue to play an essential role in the realization of the multi-year, multi-partner (MYMP) strategy. In addition, strategic partnerships on development, such as with the World Ban, and green funds, will remain essential.
The MYMP strategy of Niger fits within the 2030 vision of the Durable Development Strategy (SDDCI), the 2018-2021 Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES) and the Durable Development Objectives (DDO) contextualized for Niger as well as the 2019-2020 UNDAF which is in process.
Key priorities
To respond to the Mali Situation, in 2019 UNHCR will focus on:- Strengthening the targeted livelihoods assistance to refugees according to their vulnerability and capacity;
- Continuing socio-economic integration through the incorporation of basic services (water, health, education) and off-camp (urbanization) into national systems.
To respond to the Nigeria Situation, in 2019 UNHCR will focus on:
- maintaining current protection and protection mainstreaming as well as the recording and documenting of displaced people;
- supporting authorities in finding solutions and implementing rehabilitation/development;
- strengthening cross-border coordination with other UNHCR operations responding to the Nigeria Situation;
- maintaining emergency response capacity.
To respond to mixed movements, in 2019 UNHCR will focus on:
- continuing to support the Nigerien authorities in strengthening the normative framework for people of concern including those requiring international protection in the context of mixed movements;
- improving the RSD process;
- strengthening outreach and communication channels to people of concern, as well as the partnership framework with IOM;
- providing reception and protection of evacuees from Libya under the ETM;
- advocating for the inclusion of international protection and solutions in the response to mixed movements, including resettlement opportunities in Europe and the provision of legal alternatives to irregular migration for people of concern.