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Zakaria Bichara Haggar / UNHCR, 2019


The natural disaster and conflict continue to raise significantly the number of Internally Displaced Persons in Mali. As a of 30th September, the overall number of IDPs in Mali is estimated around 187,139 people. The crisis and the security issues throughout inner and Northern belt of Mali is far sustaining and this scenario coupled with the natural hazards impact over extremely vulnerable populations who lost their livelihoods and lack basic core relief items in regards of Shelter and Non food items.

Coverage against targets

Need analysis

Conflict, Natural Hazards and Terrorism escalated from northern to central part of the country and risen the number of displaced due to the presence of military faction from different horizons and background. The Protection Cluster through the Commission of Population's Movement (CMP) under the authority of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), The United Nations High Commissionner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the National Office of Social Development (DNDS) estimated and validated at approximately 187,139 IDPs as of 30th September 2019. An increase of 67,072 IDPs between the second and third quarter in the same period of the current year. According to this trend, the factor of the people in needs becomes a dynamic variable over time even the data pinpointed in the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) specified at 388,000 people in needs, then this estimation worthwhile validated by the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) seems on the course of events more static and far less adequate based on the geometric growth in needs of shelter and NFIs for vulnerable families living without and in makeshift shelters considering the weakest response capacity.


During the third quarter 8,500 and 4,902 people are provided respectively with NFIs and Shelter following the Humanitarian Response Plan's Projects registered in the OPS (Online Project System) against 174,445 and 30,525 people are assisted respectively with NFIs and Shelter outside the Humanitarian Response Plan mandate and unregistered within the OPS. Annual target in shelter is 39,000 people and in NFIs is 111,000 people.

The Shelter Cluster is still underfunded and the level of funding received is at only 8,8% reported in the Financial Tracking Service. The analyses of the situation highlight that unreported funding over the response provided outside the HRP represent twice more then the required funding in the HRP 2020.
Limited resources are the direct consequences on the presence of people living without shelters, protection, with unmet NFI score and constrained to remain in this situation because of conflict in their previous area.

Gaps / challenges

The Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) multi-sectoral assessments conducted during the third quarter showed families deprived by flooding and damages of their structures, lost of their items and livelihoods. Some have experienced death of their close relatives and others displaced. Regions touched by the natural disaster are Ségou, Mopti, Segou, Gao, Timbuktu, Ménaka, Kayes and Kidal and access of shelter and NFIs remained challenging.
So, assessed and eligible households non assisted with NFIs and Shelter during the last three months are respectively 10,840 and 12,385 according to the RRM.