
Interventions monétaires menées par les programmes WASH dans les camps des refugiés

Publisher: UNHCR Year: 2019 Description: Ce rapport est basé sur une analyse documentaire de données secondaires, comprenant du matériel publié et de la littérature grise, complétée par des entretiens avec des informateurs clés pour des programmes dépourvus de documentation. La première section résume l’utilisation actuelle du CBI dans la programmation WASH. La deuxième partie résume […]

F-14/2015a UNHCR Site Level Refugee WASH Strategy Template (UNHCR, 2015)

Where required, UNHCR and WASH actors should work together to develop a site level refugee WASH strategy document that clearly describes the refugee context, the baseline WASH situation, WASH coverage, WASH gaps, along with short (6 months), medium (6 months – 5 years) and long-term (>5 years) strategies for each of the WASH sub-sectors and the twelve (12) WASH principles. This template can be used to help produce the site level WASH Strategy.

WASH Winterization Technical Brief (UNHCR, 2015)

This technical brief is intended to provide guidance for UNHCR staff and Partners involved in winterization of WASH facilities in the current European refugee and migrant situation.

Sphere Minimum Standards and Indicators for Humanitarian Response (SPHERE, 2011)

The Sphere Handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards for the delivery of quality humanitarian response.