Guidelines for Integrating GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Action – WASH Thematic Guide (IASC, 2015)

This Thematic Area Guide (TAG) on WASH and gender-based violence is a portable tool that provides practical guidance for WASH professionals working to prevent and mitigate gender based violence in humanitarian settings.

WASH in Schools for Girls E-Course

This publication provides a summary of the 12 modules of the WASH in Schools for Girls E-Course developed by Emory University and UNICEF.

Container-based Toilets with Solid Fuel Briquettes Guidelines

These Best Practice Guidelines were developed by Sanivation, a private sanitation company based in Kenya under UNHCR’s “Waste to Value” Project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Guidelines are based on ongoing operational research in Kakuma Refugee Camp in partnership with UNHCR and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and will be update at the end of the Project in 2019.

UNHCR Urine Diverting Dry Toilet (UDDT) Standard Operating Procedures

Double vault Urine Diversion Dry Toilets (UDDT) can be used as an alternative to pit latrines in refugee camps. They utilise two chambers for faeces, one of which is in use whilst the other is full and drying so that it can be safely disposed of after an appropriate period of time.
These Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) were developed by Oxfam under UNHCR’s “Waste to Value” Project, which was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They are largely based on UDDTs developed under the Waste to Value Project in Ethiopia. 

WASH Country Strategy / Operational Plans Template (UNHCR, 2020)

Where required, UNHCR and WASH actors should work together to develop a country level refugee WASH strategy document that clearly describes the refugee context and the baseline WASH situation, along with short, medium and long-term strategies for each of the WASH sub-sectors. This template can be used to help produce a short and concise Country level WASH Strategy. It includes a phased approach, HR requirements and site-level Operational Plans. 

Hygiene Promotion Guidelines (UNHCR, 2017)

These guidelines provide additional support and information on designing and implementing hygiene promotion programmes or elements of hygiene promotion in the programmes of other sectors. They should be used in conjunction with the UNHCR WASH Manual and the summary guidance in the Hygiene Promotion Chapter of this manual.

F-300/2017a UNHCR Well Construction Documentation

  Publisher: UNHCR Year: 2017 Description: UNHCR has developed a standard excel-based form that should be used to capture all the important information during well construction.  The excel file can be downloaded by following the link at the bottom of this page. Once you have downloaded the excel file,  you can watch the explanatory videos.  Three […]

Rapid Methods for Assessing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services in Emergency Settings (UNHCR, 2017b)

This document evaluates various sampling strategies that can be used during the emergency phase to estimate the status of WASH services in refugee camps or settlements.  The working paper presents the results of statistical analyses carried out on real data from Ethiopia.  The objective of the study was to evaluate the suitability of different sampling approaches and sample sizes in an attempt at recommending the optimal approach during emergencies.

Rapid Methods for Assessing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services in Emergency Settings (UNHCR, 2019a)

This document describes UNHCR’s methodology for conducting rapid WASH household assessments in refugee settings.