
Gestion de l’hygiène menstruelle (GHM) – le mini guide (version Française)

Ce document fournit un bref résumé des actions clés nécessaires pour faire face à la gestion de l’hygiène menstruelle pendant les situations d’urgence. Il constitue une lecture rapide permettant d’acquérir une compréhension de base d’une réponse complète de la gestion de la qualité de la santé. Cependant, il est conseillé de consulter le guide complet lors de la conception des programmes ou des activités d’intervention.

UNHCR Sample ToRs for Hydrogeological Surveying (UNHCR, 2015)

These sample terms of reference may be used should WASH actors working in refugee settings with to engage the services of a Consultant to carry out hydrogeological surveys of pre-selected areas. The terms of reference cover the following areas…
Evaluating the groundwater situation based on compilation of existing relevant data (e.g. drilling logs) with additional classical hydrogeological field data collection (e.g. survey of water points, water levels, water quality) leading to the identification of favourable exploration zones
Carrying out groundwater exploratory field geophysical investigations to identify exact drilling locations, and
Supervising the drilling process and on the spot reporting on the progress.

UNHCR WASH Rapid Assessment Forms (UNHCR, 2015)

These rapid (emergency) assessment tools can be used to help assess water supply, excreta management, solid waste management, hygiene and disease vector control conditions in the following refugee settings: These rapid (emergency) assessment tools can be used to help assess water supply, excreta management, solid waste management, hygiene and disease vector control conditions in the following refugee settings: Camps; Settlements; Transit Centres; Schools; Health Centres and Urban Settlements. It also contains references to UNHCR’s WASH indicators and recommendations for data collection.

D-70/2015a Emergency Communal Shower Block (Wood and Plastic) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

This document contains documentation to help UNHCR and WASH actors install emergency communal shower blocks (wood and plastic) in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D-37/2015a Emergency Raised Water Platform (Concrete Rings) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

This document contains materials to help UNHCR and WASH actors construct emergency raised water platforms in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D44-2015a Emergency Raised Desludgable Latrine Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

This document contains documentation to help UNHCR and WASH actors build emergency raised desludgable latrines in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.