Whole of Syria

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HPC 2018

The page provides the full analysis carried out by the WoS Shelter and NFI sector of the data from the needs assessments that were conducted to inform the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) in Syria for 2018. The data were combined from multiple assessments, with different coverage, methodologies and levels of analysis and conducted by a range of partners between January and August 2017. There were over XX,XXX assessment entries in total, which were aggregated to community level. In total, 270 sub-districts and 5,596 communities were assessed for the Shelter and NFI sector.

This analysis is provided for members, agencies and implementing partners from the Shelter / NFI sector and for other sectors, in order to support humanitarian planning. It may be freely shared and disseminated. Population figures included in this analysis of needs are derived from a combination of sector analysis and OCHA population and IDP figures, and are for planning only. They do not represent an accurate census of the Syrian population, and programming and implementation should be supported by further detailed needs assessments in specific locations to determine accurate numbers of people in need, to specify target groups and to provide demographic breakdowns.

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