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2006 – Resolution No.146 – On the mechanisms of identification and assistance for the damages caused to the subsequent building of residential and non-residential units following Israel’s aggression between the 12 July and the 14 August 2006 in all the Lebanese areas outside the southern suburb of Beyrouth

2006 – Resolution No.130 – On the mechanisms of identification and payment of the aid for the damages caused to the residential and non-residential units following Israel’s aggression between the 12 July and the 14 August 2006 in all the Lebanese areas outside the southern suburb

2006 – Decision No.96 – On the mechanisms to help the persons affected by Israel’s aggression and that undertake to repair the damage

2006 – Circular No.176 – Consolidation of the data, information and statistics related to the damages caused by Israel’s aggression

2003 – Act No.548 – Modification and extension of the provisions of the Act No.322 to allow the IDPs to build a property that does not respond to the legal requirements of building

2001 – Act No.361 – Extension of the provisions of the Act No.322 allowing the IDPs to build a property that does not respond to the legal requirements in terms of home building (Related to: the Act No.322 (1994))

2001 – Act No.362 – Abolition of Act No.242 (Related to: the Act No.242 (2000))

2000 Act No.242 for the financing of the Ministry of Displacement (Cancelled by: the Act No. 362 (2001))

1999 – Act No.92 – Extension of the provisions of the Act No.322 to allow the IDPs to build a property that does not respond to the legal requirements in terms of home building (Related to: the Act No.322 (1994))

1997 – Decree No.9934 – Nomination of the vice-chairman and the members of the executive board of the Central Fund for Displaced Persons

1996 – Act No.542 – Prolongation of the Act No.322 to allow the IDPs to build a property that does not respond to the legal requirements of building (Related to: the Act No.322 (1994))

1996 – Decree No.8672 – To modify the 2nd alinea of the Art. II of the Decree No.3370 (04.02.1993) on the determination of the conditions of nomination, the functions and the powers of the the Central Fund for Displaced Persons

1994 – Act No.333 – Credit allowance to acheve the process of return of the displaced in their areas and villages 

1994 – Act No.322 – To allow the IDPs to build a property that does not respond to the legal requirements in terms of home building

1993 – Decree No.3410 – Financial system of the Central Fund for Displaced Persons

1993 – Decree No.3406 – Nomination of the president and the members of the executive board of the Central Fund for Displaced Persons

1993 – Decree No.3370 – to determine the conditions of nomination, the functions and the powers of the Central Fund for Displaced Persons

1993 – Act No.193 on the creation of a Central Fund for Displaced Persons

1993 – The Ministry of Displaced Affairs Law No. 190

1989 – The National Accord Document – The Taef Agreement