In World Humanitarian Day the Global Protection Cluster is sharing three testimonials from three Cluster Coordinators

Marie Emilie Dozin the Protection Cluster Coordinator and Nadia Gateka, the NRC co-lead in Mali.

“In Mali, women and girls are severely impacted by violence but they are also leaders in recovery, resilience and protection. The Protection Cluster works to promote women’s voice and leadership, prevent and respond to gender-based violence and provide protection services to people that are more at risk. Being a woman in the humanitarian field gives us a unique perspective on the risks and vulnerabilities that women and girls face, allowing us to design a response that better meets the needs and realities of their families and communities. We also have direct access and interaction with women and girls and can therefore stand alongside them and advocate for the full respect of their rights


Sarah Pallensen, the Protection Cluster Coordinator in Chad with 3 other Cluster members.

“I am thrilled to pay tribute today to the inspirational women I have had a chance to meet and work with through my role as protection cluster coordinator in Chad. These are women who often, despite personal sacrifices, take on great challenges to serve in the most difficult environments. It is really important to have women at the forefront of the humanitarian response. It creates a space for other women to feel safe in disclosing sensitive issues and get appropriate assistance. It’s an honour, really, when you have some power, to use it to empower someone else (as Toni Morrison said)’



Lorena Nieto, the Protection Cluster Coordinator in Honduras

“El trabajo humanitario me ha hecho una mujer mas fuerte, intuitiva, empática. Me obliga  a crecer todos los días y me lleva a lugares de mi misma que no conocía. Me siento afortunada