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May 2020
Shelter Cluster, October 2019


  • During May 2020, the Shelter Cluster, through member organisations reached a total of 21,355 beneficiaries and covered seven states and Distrito Capital: Falcón (6458), Zulia (5640), Apure (4433), Táchira (2947), La Guaira (936), Bolívar (558), Miranda (214) and Distrito Capital (169).
  • During May, partner operations have been focussing on supporting Venezuelan returnees. Emergency shelters, including the Government-led Puntos de Atención Social Integral (PASI) were established mainly in border locations to support the influx of individuals and families. Returnees are also entering through informal border crossings (locally known as trochas), and the total number of returnee population is unknown.
  • Both increased control over traffic and limited access to gasoline continue to seriously affect operations, particularly partner organisations with presence in border locations, and including Zulia, Táchira, Apure and Bolívar states.

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Coordination Team