Other organizations working on various issues – including development, livelihoods, and health care – in Chin State are listed on this page.
UNHCR has made every effort to ensure the information contained below on organizations and services available for the Chin is accurate. Information and contacts to assist you in better understanding conditions, services, and support in Myanmar will continue to be updated and posted. A website containing additional information on organizations engaged in Chin State is available here (http://www.chindirectory.com/listingcategory/chin-organisations/). However, UNHCR has not compiled or confirmed the information on this site and is not responsible for the content.
Ar Yone Oo Social Development Association
Development, Human Rights Awareness
Services: AYO SDA is present in Chin State and in Sagaing Region. The organization focuses on gender, tribal reconciliation and livelihood in all townships in Chin State and in Kalay and some other townships in Sagaing Region. As part of their livelihood program, the organization promotes high value crops to the village communities and processes the crop production for the markets. Returnees may benefit from the services if returning to the vicinity of the direct project implementation areas. However, there is no livelihood program aimed specifically for Chin refugee returnees.
Location: Yangon, Hakha, Tonzang
Contact person: Cin Khan Lian
Phone: 095101216
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]
Website: http://www.aryoneoo-ngo.org/my
Chin Institute of Social Science (CISS)
Research and Vocational Training
Services: Under the program of Christian Social Service and Development in Falam, the Chin Institute of Social Science conducts vocational training to the community, in particular young people. Livelihood/skills training includes masonry, sewing, computer, as well as electronic. The first vocational training was completed through the financial support of the Chin Human Rights Organization and participants were able to benefit from new skills without paying a training fee. The training will be conducted regularly in the future.
Location: Falam
Contact person: Pastor Thawng Bik
Phone number: 09459598123
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.facebook.com/ChinInstituteofSocialScience/
Chinland Agriculture Products
Services: Engaged in assisting those with land in Chin State and Sagaing Region to produce sustainable agriculture and organic products. The company provides seeds and plants (sacha inchi, elephant foot yam, coffee, and sterculia versicolor wall) and then purchases the harvest to sell for export.
Location: Chin State and Sagaing Region
Contact person: Bawi Lian Khum
Phone number: 09962534393
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.chinlandorganicfoods.com
Chokhlei Organization for Rural and Agricultural Development
Services: Focuses on agricultural development in the five townships of northern Chin State. In particular, the organization promotes technology, value chain, and nutrition sensitive agricultural products that can penetrate the market more successfully. The organization is going to pursue a new proposal with LIFT in mid-2019 focusing on settlement of returnees. The provision of services will cover all the returnees throughout Chin State.
Location: Hakha
Contact person: Dr. Peter Lian
Phone number: 09442992990
Email: [email protected]
Community Agency for Rural Development (CAD)
Services: With the collaboration of local authorities and the consent of village leaders, CAD helps individuals obtain Upland Plots for permanent upland plot cultivation of two acres in Hakha, Thantlang and Matupi townships. You may be entitled to this program if you have the financial resources to invest to the upland plot. Technical support for agricultural methods is provided only after the upland plot has been excavated and all the necessary installments have been completed (water pipes, fencing, etc.).
Location: Yangon/Hakha
Contact person: Mr. Joseph Kung Za Hmung
Phone number: 95040477, +95-9-9427414251, +95-9-781999136
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://cadmm.org/
Community Association for Rural Development (CARD)
Livelihood, Environment, Disaster Risk Reduction
Services: CARD is faith-based local NGO which receives its funding through the Church Association in Hakha, Thantlang, Matupi and Gangaw townships. CARD only cover those four townships where they provide agricultural technology (organic farming, organic fertilizer farming), consumer education awareness (trainings), and an environmental maintenance program (awareness trainings). Refugee returnees may benefit from the services if they return to one of the four townships.
Location: Hakha
Contact person: Ms. Ngaing Linn
Phone number: 07022008/09259015272
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Microfinance Activities
1. Microfinance activities through partner Thistar Ooyin Company.
2. Support to Township Civil Society Organizations within a consortium called Upland Township Funds.
GRET engages in a number of microfinance activities, including supporting the improvement of agriculture and breeding, improving vocational skills of youth and women, promoting income generation activities, promoting community development, strengthening cooperation between CSO and village administrators, skills strengthening for youth, identifying job opportunities for youth, and conducting needs assessments for vocational skills.
Location: Hakha/Falam/Tedim
Contact person: Ms. Murielle Morisson
Phone number: 09421064046
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.gret.org/countries/south-east-asia/myanmar-en/?lang=en
Sumthawng Development Organization (SDO)
Environment Maintenance
Service: SDO is providing awareness to the community in relation to forestry, natural resources, education and health for families in some 34 villages in Hakha Township. Refugee returnees may benefit from the project.
Location: Hakha
Contact person: Mr. Cung Nawl
Phone number: 09250075168
Email: [email protected]
Thistar Ooyin Company
Microfinance Activities
Service: Thistar Ooyin’s services aim to enable disadvantaged rural populations to increase their income by providing loans. These loans finance the development of informal communal activities (mainly livestock farming, agriculture and trade) via group loans. Individual loans are also provided, enabling the development of small businesses.
Location: Hakha/Thantlang/Falam/Tedim/Tonzang/Kalay
Contact person: Sya Thawng Te
Phone number: 09457000537
Email: [email protected]
Marie Stopes International Myanmar (MSI)
Health Care (Reproductive Health)
Services: MSI provides sexual and reproductive health services to the community by raising awareness and distributing contraception. The project is implemented in Hakha, Thantlang, Paletwa, Tedim and Mindat townships in Chin State.
Location: Hakha
Contact person: Dr. Hein Thitsan
Phone number: 0943033016
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://mariestopes.org/where-we-work/myanmar/
Myanmar Red Cross Society
Health Care, Disaster Risk Reduction
Services: Myanmar Red Cross Society provides first aid training and awareness raising campaigns on a variety of topics, including on climate change adaptation awareness, corruption and financial management. The MRCS activities are conducted in the community as per fund availability and is open to anyone willing to participate.
Location: Paletwa
Contact person: U Kyaw Myint
Phone number: 09424080929
Email: N/A
Location: Hakha
Contact person: U Cung Hu
Phone number: 09400305298
Email: N/A
Website: https://www.redcross.org.mm/my_MM/
World Vision (WV) Myanmar
Child Wellbeing/Livelihoods
Services: World Vision is mainly focusing on child wellbeing in the townships of Falam (23 villages) and Tedim (40 villages) in Chin State. Additionally, World Vision provides some livelihood support, particularly agriculture and livestock assistance to families who have children (based on information provided by village leaders). They also provide village savings and credits to the community. Returnees to those villages where the project is implemented who have children may be eligible for the services based on the recommendation of the village leader.
Location: Falam/ Tedim
Contact person: Thang Muan Suum (Tedim)
Phone number: 09400309401
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.wvi.org/myanmar
Dawn Action on Women’s Network
Women’s Empowerment
Services: Dawn Action on Women’s Network is working on capacity building of women, including activities to raise awareness and sensitize the community on women’s rights and training on small-scale domestic arts and skills. The activities are open to all women regardless of the ethnicity and origin. Chin refugee returnees may participate in the activities. The activities take mainly place in downtown areas of Kalay, Tedim, Tonzang and Cikha townships. Based on the availability of funds, the project may be implemented in the villages within the project areas.
Location: Tedim, Tonzang, Cikha
Contact person: Ms. Gin Sian Mawi
Phone number: 09454956206
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: http://dawn.peacehelpdesk.org/
Community Care for Emergency Response and Rehabilitation (CCERR)
Emergency Response and Rehabilitation
Services: CCERR was registered in 2017 and has since expanded its focus beyond natural disasters. The organizations focuses on disaster response, preparedness and rehabilitation, community powered data, advocacy for public interest, climate change, women and economic empowerment, and communal harmony.
Location: Yangon/Hakha
Contact person: Floda Bawi Nei Mawi
Phone number: 09972533341
Email: [email protected]
Global Family
Awareness raising
Services: Global Family mainly focuses on raising awareness within the community on human trafficking and provides psycho-social support services in the urban areas. Anyone interested may join their awareness section/program.
Location: Hakha
Contact person: Mr. Ram Tin Sang
Phone number: 09252649914
Email: [email protected]