If you have fled your own country because you are in danger of suffering serious harm for reasons related to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group or if you are fleeing war, torture, or inhumane and degrading treatment, you can apply for asylum in Egypt by registering with UNHCR.
Registration is a very important protection tool. Registering as an asylum seeker or refugee with UNHCR Cairo as a result of a fear of persecution or generalized violence in your country of origin or habitual residence provides the basis to obtain renewable legal residence permits from the Government of Egypt based on the documentation issued to you by UNHCR. It enables you to stay safely in Egypt without the risk of being forcibly returned to your country.
How do I apply for refugee status in Egypt?
For Syrian nationals:
Please contact the UNHCR infoline to obtain a registration appointment.
For other nationalities:
If you live in any of these governorates: Greater Cairo, Monofeya, North and South Sinai, Ismailia, Suez Helwan, The Red Sea, Fayoum, Bani Souwaif, Sharkeya, Menia, Assiut, Sohag, Qena, Luxor, Aswan and the New Valley, please approach the main office in 6 October to obtain a registration appointment. The working hours of the registration center are Sunday -Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The office is located at 17 Mekka Al Mokarrama Street, 7th District- 3rd proximity.
If you live in any of these governorates: Alexandria, Damietta, Dakahliya, Gharbeya, Matrouh, Beheira, Kafr El Sheikh and Port-said, please contact the UNHCR Alexandria Infoline.
What should I bring with me on the day of my registration appointment?
Please bring the following original documents and copies of them:
- Passport(s)
- All other available ID documents (military ID, driver’s licenses, other civil documentation)
- Marriage/divorce certificate(s)
- Birth/death certificate(s)
- Family booklets
- High school or university diploma(s)/ Certificate(s)
- Proof of previous registration with UNHCR in other countries (if applicable)
- Two passport-sized photos of each family member on a white background
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