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Word Vision

Word Vision International

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  • World Vision International Executive Office

    Address 1 Roundwood Avenue Stockley Park Uxbridge, Middlesex UB11 1FG, UK


  • World Vision - Ethiopia

    World Vision involvement in Ethiopia dates back to 1971 with its first relief support to Nuer tribe refugees from the civil war in Sudan. National Office was established in 1975. Relief, rehabilitation and small community development projects dominated the decade that followed. During the 1984-85 drought, lives of millions were saved through relief operations. World Vision introdced Area Development Programme (ADP) in 1990. WV currently has 68 ADPs benefitting more than 12 million people. Development interventions are geared towards enhancing food security at a household level and focus on agriculture, health and nutrition, water and sanitation, education, climate change and environmental rehabilitation. Emphasis is given to community participation and empowerment through the utilization of available local resources. World Vision Ethiopia operates in Oromia, Amahara, Afar, Tigray, SNNP, Benshangul Gumuz, Somalia regional states and Addis Ababa City Administration.

    Address Addis Ababa, Bole Sub-city, Keble 11, House No 518, AMCE-Bole Road



  • World Vision International - Jordan

    Address World Vision International (based in Amman, Jordan)



  • World Vision International - Lebanon

    World Vision is an international humanitarian child focused organization, working with development, Emergency Responce and Disaster Mitigation, advocacy, peacebuilding and dialogue

    Address Main office address: Sinyora Building, Mountazah, Beit Mery, Lebanon




  • World Vision International - Tanzania

    World Vision Tanzania is a Christian relief, development and advocacy nongovernmental organisation (NGO) which started in 1981 as part of World Vision International Kenya. This followed a pastors' conference in Dodoma involving 550 church leaders that was held in 1970, and other subsequent opportunities leading to the start of World Vision Tanzania. In 1983, child sponsorship programmes were launched, benefiting 7,124 children. In the same year, non-sponsorship development projects and one evangelism project were initiated. World Vision Tanzania has operations in 12 regions in Tanzania clustered in five zones. Every zone has between 12 and 16 Area Development Programmes (ADPs), managed by programme coordinators. Operating in 62 ADPs and with seven grants and 50 private non-sponsorship projects, the office impacts the lives of more than 4.5 million Tanzanians, including one million children under the age of five.
