Teaching materials ages 12-15

Video and audio materials for this age group tell stories of a refugee child of the same age as the pupils through discussion of familiar and relevant topics such as why and how people leave their homes, how they have come to a new country and future dreams. Students in this age range are encouraged to move their understanding from classroom into the practical realm of their lives.

Click on the links to download the teaching materials.

Words matter

Understanding refugees, migration and asylum begins with understanding a few basics. The word "refugee" is often used as a blanket term for people displaced by war, violence or persecution. But there are different categories of displaced people, each with specific needs.

You can watch these explainer animations as a preparation for your lesson. Choose which sections you need and download them as you like to compose your own instructional package.

Video exercise

Hassan and Youssof's story

Hassan and Youssof are fourteen and fifteen years old. The brothers fled Syria with their father Suheil, a karate teacher, with their mother and with their sister and three brothers. They first went to Jordan but were then resettled to Luxembourg. They are now enjoying school while their father teaches karate. The two brothers have also taken up karate and tell about life in their new country.

Hassan and Youssof's story

Related materials

  • Download the video (English)
  • Use the lesson plan for exercises and class activities based on the video