UNHCR in Ukraine provides assistance with vocational training in 2019

UNHCR provides assistance with vocational training and tools needed for further self-employment upon completion of the training to recognized refugees, persons granted complementary protection in Ukraine and asylum seekers.

UNHCR provides assistance with vocational training and tools needed for further self-employment upon completion of the training to recognized refugees, persons granted complementary protection in Ukraine and asylum seekers in Ukraine who meet the below criteria. The purpose of the training is further sustainable employment.

Who is eligible for UNHCR 2019 vocational training support

  1. recognized refugees and persons granted with a complementary protection status by the Ukrainian government;
  2. mandate refugees i.e. persons who are recognized as refugees by UNHCR under its Statute and regardless of whether or not they have been recognized by the Ukrainian government;
  3. asylum-seekers who have been found eligible for assistance by UNHCR partners, who are at any stage of the national asylum-procedure (including appealing process) and hold a valid asylum certificate issued by the State Migration Service;

What type of vocational training is not supported

  1. long-term studies that last over 9 months
  2. studies at higher educational establishments

How to apply for a vocational training:

  1. Approach UNHCR partner in your city of residence:


CF ‘Rokada’, 55 Vasylya Chumaka St

Phone: +38 (044) 501-56-96; +38(093) 736-36-34; 38(067) 406 89 39. Two times per week

Monday 10:00 – 18:00

Thursday 10:00 – 18:00

Email: [email protected]



NGO ‘The Tenth of April’, 15 Heroiv Krut St., office 910

Phone: +38 (048) 766 00 04; +38 (093) 662 85 24. Three times per week

Monday 10:00 – 17:00

Wednesday 10:00 – 17:00

Friday 10:00 – 17:00

Email: [email protected]



IFHEP ‘Region Karpat’ NEEKA, 3 Michurina St., Mukachevo

Phone: + 38 (031) 313 21 22

Monday-Friday 10:00 – 17:00

Email: [email protected]



CF ‘The right to protection’, 85 Chernyshevskaya St.,

Phone: + 38 (057) 751 17 64; +38 (094) 811 17 63

Monday-Friday 10:00 – 17:00


  1. Livelihoods Counselor and/or Social Counselor will advise you on potential vocational training options and application process.
  2. Livelihoods Counselor and/or Social Counselor will submit your application for UNHCR review.
  3. UNHCR committee will review the application within 4 weeks upon submission of the final application.
  4. Successful candidates will receive further support in employment search upon completion of the Program.

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ANNEX_Application for Vocational Training_Farsi

ANNEX_Application for Vocational Training_Somali

Task / Event Month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Application for Vocational/Re-qualification Trainings
1 Interviews and counseling       X X X X X X      
2 Committee meetings         X X X X X      
4 Trainings start         X X X X X X    
5 Monitoring         X X X X X X X X