Around The World

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UNHCR works in 134 countries around the world, in 546 locations. Our staff are based in some of the most isolated, volatile and challenging places in the world—reaching uprooted people most in need with critical humanitarian assistance.


Central African Republic woman holding baby

Yemen Crisis

Yemen is currently the world’s worst humanitarian disaster. Worsening violence is resulting in widespread casualties and massive displacement.

Rohingya Crisis

Over 742,000 Rohingya refugees have been forced to escape violence in Myanmar by fleeing to Bangladesh – walking for days through jungles and mountains, or braving dangerous sea voyages.

South Sudan

Children in Crisis

In the conflict and upheaval that forces them to flee their homes, thousands of children lose their parents to violence or become separated from them and endure long journeys on their own.

Syria Crisis

Daily horrors and devastation at an unimaginable scale makes Syria the largest humanitarian emergency of our era. Millions are on the run from a nightmare that seems to have no end.

When a crisis strikes, UNHCR is on the ground, saving lives, within 48 hours.

UNHCR is often the first to arrive and the last to leave in an emergency situation, supporting those forced to flee their homes through no fault of their own. In the aftermath of a crisis, UNHCR remains on the ground to help revive devastated communities and help displaced families return, recover and restart their lives.

UNHCR is with refugees at every stage of their journey—whenever and wherever needed. We set up refugee camps around the world, providing food aid, shelter and other basic living necessities.

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