Millions in eastern Ukraine endure invisible wounds of war
After five years of conflict, aid agencies in Ukraine are striving to meet the mental health needs of those affected by years of war.
After five years of conflict, aid agencies in Ukraine are striving to meet the mental health needs of those affected by years of war.
Fraught with worry over how he would be able to pay for two emergency surgeries, Ali approached UNHCR for help, and learned about the Universal Public Health Insurance, or UPHI, program.
Thousands of pregnant women who are unable to receive proper pre-natal care have left Venezuela to protect the lives of their unborn babies and their own.
UNHCR and its partners provide round-the-clock emergency health care for Rohingya refugees in south-eastern Bangladesh’s Kutupalong settlement.
According to new report some 10.5 million refugees received health care through public health programs and through UNHCR, and other partners last year.
As the temperatures plunge, the checklist of items needed to stay warm surges. Thousands are in urgent need of winter assistance.
Arkells will be rocking their hometown of Hamilton as the award-winning Canadian group headline a concert to raise funds and awareness for a cause close to their hearts: supporting refugees.
Their few belongings packed into rice sacks, Momena Begum and her husband Mohammad Harez squat on a damp plot of sand just above the waterline, waiting to move to a shelter on higher ground.