Syrian refugees aid vulnerable Swiss amid COVID-19 outbreak
As the elderly and unwell self-isolate, a network of Syrian refugeess provides a vital bridge to the outside world for Swiss in greatest need.
As the elderly and unwell self-isolate, a network of Syrian refugeess provides a vital bridge to the outside world for Swiss in greatest need.
Followed by the renewed fighting in 2015, Yemen has spiralled into what the UN has called “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”
Coming back to Mosul after two long years, Saad found help to repair his house. Now he is putting his skills to work so others can return home.
Canadian Staffer, Matthew Brooks, describes the challenges during his time in Libya, and how the contributions of fellow Canadians are making an impact.
In the face of ongoing and intensifying conflict in Libya, UNHCR continues to work with its partners on organizing humanitarian evacuations out of the country.
As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates, claiming thousands of lives each day, those at greatest risk include some 70 million uprooted by war and persecution.
These are some of the ways that UNHCR staff, people forced to flee and supporters are taking action to stay smart, stay safe and stay kind amidst COVID-19.
UNHCR airlifted 93.5 tonnes of emergency aid for Sudanese refugees in Chad from its Global Stockpile in Dubai on Thursday (March 19).
On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.
Cyclone Idai survivors in Mozambique are still trying to rebuild their lives. More assistance is needed to help them recover