General service staff
General Service Staff are recruited locally, but can be of any nationality. Candidates should be legally resident in Italy and reside within the Rome commuting area. Staff in this category work in support roles and their functions vary from general administrative and secretarial assistance to more specialized positions, such as legal and protection assistant, public information and fund raising assistant.
Each position has its own requirements in terms of qualifications and professional experience. However, the main conditions may be summarized as follows:
Entry level General Service >> G-1 to G-4, minimum 1 to 4 years of work experience
Mid-level General Service >> G-5 to G-6, minimum 5 to 7 years of work experience
Senior level General Service >> G-7, over 10 years of work experience
Completion of secondary school;
Excellent knowledge of English, very good knowledge of Italian, working knowledge of at least one other official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish).
Types of appointments in the General Service Category:
A fixed-term appointment is granted for an initial period of one year to persons recruited through the UNHCR Assignments Committee (AC) to fill vacant positions.
A fixed-term appointment does not carry any expectancy, legal or otherwise, of renewal or conversion, irrespective of the length of service.
Temporary Assistance
A temporary appointment is granted for a period of less than one year to meet seasonal or peak workloads and specific short-term requirements.
A temporary appointment does not carry any expectancy, legal or otherwise, of renewal. A temporary appointment may not be converted to any other type of appointment.
Both General Service fixed-term and temporary assistance posts in Italy are advertised through vacancy notices on the UNHCR website and filled on a competitive basis.