Kat Graham
“The biggest misconception about refugees is that they are victims. So many of these amazing refugees are just people like you and me that have incredible capabilities to teach and to help support a community.”
About Kat
Swiss-born American actress and singer Kat Graham became a UNHCR supporter in 2013. Since then, she has helped raise awareness about the plight of refugees worldwide with various projects, including a trip to the Syrian refugee camp of Zaatari in Jordan (2014), and later to the Mexico-Guatemala border (2015) to meet women and children who had fled violence in Central America.
In 2019, Kat visited Somali refugees at camps in the Melkadida operation in southern Ethiopia. Here, she witnessed first-hand the innovative work UNHCR - together with public and private sector partners - are doing to empower refugee women and girls with new skills, providing them with the resources and knowledge they need to build brighter futures for themselves, their families and their community. Kat was particularly moved by the resilience of the women and girls she encountered, as well as their incredible spirit and energy.
Kat also helped support key UNHCR events and campaigns, including World Refugee Day, the iBelong campaign to end statelessness, and the Nansen Refugee Award.