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Kyaw Lay : Time to start a new life

Kyaw Lay : Time to start a new life

The eyes of the young man, 22 years old, shine so bright when he says he will start a new life in the US in the next six days.

That’s right, on the day that you read this story, Kyaw Lay will be living in the US with the support of UNHCR.

Kyaw Lay recalled his decision ten years ago to flee from his village in Myanmar. After a military attack, everything in the village changed; children could not go to school and villagers had to live in the jungle. Kyaw Lay witnessed his father being shot by the soldiers with his own eyes. That was when he decided to walk and eve

ntually arrived Mae Ra Ma Luang camp in Mae Hong Son province.

Living in the camp, Kyaw Lay studied and stayed in a boarding house with other children without parents. Not long after arriving in the camp, he heard that his mother had been sick and passed away in the village, while his brother had died fighting the soldiers. Being alone, he decided to apply for resettlement in a third country. In May last year, he applied for the US and passed the interviews, medical check-ups with eventually received a confirmed departure date.

“I prepare and try my best. During the interviews, they asked why I was alone and I told them about my family. They asked if I would ever go back to Myanmar. I said never. They asked for the reasons why I wanted to go to the US. I said I want to study at university and to work.

“I like mathematics, physics and chemistry. I have tried to learn English while living here and can now communicate.”

When asked if he is afraid to start a new life. He said he’s not. He’s ready to face anything that will happen.

“I am so glad to have a chance to live in the US.”

Each time he mentions America, Kyaw Lay is joyful and has big smile.