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Namjai For Refugees

Change refugee lives with your generosity

Change lives with your Namjai

Namjai or generosity is a unique element embedded in the Thai culture of giving. You can share your Namjai and make a difference to less unfortunate fellow human beings. Your Namjai will mean the world to people, who have been forced to flee from their homes because of armed conflicts. All are struggling to rebuild their lives while coping with the trauma of the past and the hardship of the present.. But your Namjai can help change hardship into hope.

Monthly gifts and your continuous support help us save more families forced to flee.

Click on the pictures below to see how you can help refugees. 100% of your donation is life-saving protection to families forced to flee their homes.


Basic Needs | Shelter

Ongoing wars and conflicts keep refugee families away from their home. Millions of families are forced to flee their homes and leave everything behind. We believe all refugees deserve to live in a safe shelter. UNHCR is there to help but we can’t do it alone. On cold nights or hot days, our help can be the difference between life and death. Please donate today.

  • พลาสติกกันน้ำเอนกประสงค์

    Provide the tarpaulin and plastic sheet.

    UNHCR also provides materials such as plastic sheeting and matting that can be used to make a simple shelter to protect refugee families and shelter them from harsh weather. Additionally, in more protracted situations, we provide the displaced with the materials they need to build a home themselves under self-help schemes.

  • เต็นท์ที่พักพิงสำหรับครอบครัว

    Provide Family Tent

    UNHCR provide an emergency tent to a family who have just fled anywhere in the world. Shelter is a vital survival mechanism in times of crisis or displacement. It is also key to restoring personal security, self-sufficiency and dignity.

Basic Needs | Core-relief Items

While fleeing for their lives, the displaced people often leave behind their livelihood, possessions and sources of income.
In response to the growing needs of the displaced throughout the world who often flee their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs. UNHCR provides Core Relief Items kits include essential household items such as mattresses, blankets, plastic sheets, containers for water, cooking utensils and hygiene kits.

  • ผ้าห่ม


    provide warm blanket and protection to people who have lost everything.

  • ตะเกียงพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์

    Solar lantern

    The light from a lantern gives a refugee a sense of security and protection, especially at night. You can provide a tool that will help a refugee adjust to their new surroundings.

  • ถังน้ำสะอาด

    Jerry Can

    During wars and conflicts, refugees are living in the place where accessing to clean water is difficult. Jerry Can help us ensure that refugees and displaced have a container to spare clean water enough for their living and can protect themselves against water bound disease. Moreover, it helps reduce risk that might cause during walking long distance for clean water in some area.

  • เสื่อนอน


    As night-time temperatures drop. Mattress helps prevent children and family from sleeping on the cold hard ground.

  • มุ้งกันยุง

    Mosquito Net

    For refugee families in sub-tropical temperatures, a mosquito net can mean the difference between life and death. Malaria is deadly but this simple, cost-effective solution saves lives.

Basic Needs | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

When people flee their homes, they often struggle to safely and easily access adequate water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, endangering their health and survival.

Our Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programmes ensure the delivery of water and sanitation services to millions of people in camps, outside of camps and in urban settings.

  • น้ำสะอาด

    Water supply

    The adequate supply of clean water to refugees is our top priority. Allow refugees able to access clean water resources and sanitation infrastructure. Also, ensure that their needs are met, the system is cost-effective, and competition between locals and refugees for natural resources is minimized.

  • ระบบสุขาภิบาล

    Improve sanitation infrastructure

    Refugees and displaced often struggle to reach safely and adequately sanitation and hygiene facilities, endangering their health and survival.

Basic Needs | Health Care

The health of those forced to flee is a major priority for UNHCR. The 1951 Refugee Convention states that refugees should enjoy access to health services equivalent to that of the host population, while everyone has the right under international law to the highest standards of physical and mental health.

We work closely with partner organizations who implement health programmes in a range of challenging settings.

  • การรักษาพยาบาล วัคซีนป้องกันโรคระบาด


    The vaccines are to prevent diseases such as polio, measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, Hepatitis B and tetanus or Cholera that transmitted through drinking contaminated water in unsanitary resources.

  • เยียวยาจิตใจผู้ที่เผชิญกับความโหดร้ายในความขัดแย้ง

    Mental health support

    Most refugees are remarkably resilient and are able to move on despite their distressing experiences. We provide counselling and other psychosocial support to the very small number of people forced to flee who need such help. Our response is critical when social structures and essential services have broken down.

    For refugees who need it, proper mental health care empowers them to cope with the challenges of displacement, take care of their families, earn a living, and contribute to their communities.

  • อนามัยสำหรับแม่และเด็ก

    Maternal and Newborn Health

    Dramatically improve a mother and baby's chances of survival with your help. Support maternal and new born health with essential supplies like nutrition supplements, blankets, and baby clothes to keep mom and baby warm and healthy.


Your gift allows us to help more families in need.


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