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Finnish unearmarked funds save refugees worldwide

Finland Contributions to UNHCR 2018

Finland is a significant donor to UNHCR, and UNHCR is the largest recipient of Finland’s humanitarian aid. Finland annually gives a large unearmarked contribution of EUR 7 million (USD 8.3 million) to UNHCR at the beginning of the year. This early contribution helps UNHCR to respond quickly when a new emergency occurs and allows for critical flexibility enabling the broadest operational outreach to refugees with the greatest needs and risks. In 2018, Finland was UNHCR’s 12th largest donor per capita, totalling USD 24.1 million in support.

Finland has mainly funded responses to major regional refugee crises in Africa and Middle East and North Africa, notably the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Nigeria, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen Situation, including protracted displacement situations worldwide. In addition, Finland is also a keen supporter of the Global Compact on Refugees, including the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) providing support to countries where CRRF has been implemented.

Finland has a thematic funding focus on strengthening support to vulnerable groups in displacement situations, including persons with disabilities and specific needs, which are often rendered invisible in uprooted communities.

Read more about how Finland empowers displaced individuals with disabilities:





Finland strengthens its support to UNHCR

UNHCR thanks Finland for its significant support to UNHCR. Finland recently donated USD 12.4 million to the Syria crisis and for UNHCR operations in Africa and Asia, adding to the support so far of USD 22.4 million in 2014.


Donor Government Counterparts

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is UNHCR´s Government counterpart on matters related to strategic cooperation and funding.

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