Earmarked contributions to UNHCR Pakistan in 2018

Canada | Denmark | European Union | Germany | Italy | Japan | Norway | Switzerland | United States of America | Private Donors United States of America | Private Donors Japan | Private Donors Qatar (Education a Child Program) | Private Donors Republic of Korea

(Contributions are shown by the level of flexibility in the earmarking. Contributions earmarked to a situation within   a country are allocated at country level.)

Broadly Earmarked contributions to UNHCR Pakistan in 2018

Canada | Sweden | United States of America | Private Donors

(The broadly earmarked contributions listed are those which can potentially be used for Pakistan due to their earmarking to a related situation, region, sub-region or theme. The total amount of the contributions is shown for donors who have contributed $2 million and more.)

For detailed information, please click the below link.

Repatriation of Afghan Refugees from Pakistan Revised Supplementary Appeal