Call for Expression of Interest to enter into Partnership Agreement with UNHCR

© UNHCR Cyprus

The UNHCR Office in Cyprus hereby issues a Call for Expression of Interest to solicit interest from existing or prospective partners that wish to participate in a UNHCR operation and contribute complementary resources (human resources, knowledge, in-kind contribution, funds, supplies and/or equipment) to common objectives as agreed in a Project Partnership Agreement.

If you are interested in responding to this call, please complete and submit to UNHCR by 16 December 2019 the Concept Note and Partner Declaration Form.

In addition, please note that all partners that wish to enter into a Partnership Agreement with UNHCR are required to register with the UNHCR Partner Portal. See the Administrative Instruction and Guidance Note on the UNHCR Partner Portal, which has recently been launched by UNHCR and which aims at enhanced communication between Partners and UNHCR.

Should you have any queries on this Call for Expression of Interest, kindly submit them in an email to [email protected].