Angelina Jolie Pitt on World Refugee Day 2015

“We are here for a simple reason: This region is at the epicentre of a global crisis. Nearly 60 million people are displaced from their homes. That is one in every 122 people on ...
A Syrian Family Counts its Blessings

A Syrian Family Counts its Blessings

I meet a lot of refugees in the course of my work with UNHCR. Some open right up, cataloguing the hardships of life in exile, sharing concerns about their children’s future and even revealing ...

Lebanon: Little Omar Flies to Finland

“You know how children hit me now? When I start growing up, I can defend myself.” Omar and his sister Majid were born in Syria with a growth-hormone deficiency—the result of a dysfunctional pituitary ...
Pictured at an Exhibition

Pictured at an Exhibition

A picture at an exhibition has helped to change the life of Judy El Khatib, a nine-year-old Syrian girl who had been unable to move her right arm since suffering bad burn injuries four years ago.

A Sister’s Courage

A Sister’s Courage

Most of all, Hala misses her mother’s bedtime stories. “I was playing outside when our house crumbled,” she says. “I saw people carrying my mom downstairs.” Is Hala smiling, or about to cry? I’m ...

A Syrian Family Counts its Blessings

Syria is now in its 5th year of conflict and refugees are losing hope of going home any time soon. Hassan, Heba and their three children had an affluent life back in Syria; a ...
The Inventors of Azraq

The Inventors of Azraq

The barren, rock-strewn expanse of Jordan’s northern desert looks like it could be the backdrop for a science fiction movie. The only comfort this featureless, Martian landscape offers to the more than 15,000 Syrians ...