North Macedonia accedes to key statelessness treaty
North Macedonia’s accession to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness is an important step in global efforts to end statelessness.
North Macedonia’s accession to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness is an important step in global efforts to end statelessness.
Kazakhstan has amended its Code on Marriage and Family so as to ensure that all children born in the country are not at risk of statelessness.
UNHCR welcomes Malta’s decision to help end statelessness after it acceded to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons.
Filippo Grandi commends Zambia for its generosity towards refugees and calls for additional humanitarian and development support during a two-day visit.
New measure grants citizenship to the children born to parents from Venezuela on Colombia soil, helping thousands at risk of statelessness.
In a historic moment in the global fight against statelessness, more than 85 organizations have pledged hundreds of new commitments to end statelessness.
University seemed like an impossible dream for 21-year-old Nazir, who was born stateless in Kyrgyzstan. Now he can finally study medicine.
Lawyer Azizbek Ashurov spent over a decade helping the Kyrgyz Republic to resolve all known cases of statelessness in a historic first.
Actress and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Cate Blanchett interviews statelessness activist Maha Mamo about her 30-year-push to belong.
A more ambitious international approach is needed to address contemporary drivers of displacement, Filippo Grandi tells high-level meeting.